The Library Committee is a Standing Committee of the Senate, with the following responsibilities:

  • Advising the University Librarian on matters related to the operations of the UCW Library.
  • Serving as a liaison between the Library and UCW Community. This committee will provide perspectives and advice on matters including, but not limited to:
    • Collection development
    • Information competency
    • Library operations and services
    • Strategies for integrating Library programming with other instructional, research and service activities at the University
  • Providing input on updating relevant Library policies and procedures.
  • Acting as ambassadors of the Library to the wider UCW Community.

Committee Membership

Vice President Academic Dr. Mazi Shirvani Ex Officio
Associate Vice President Teaching, Learning & Scholarship
Dr. Stephanie Chu Ex Officio
University Librarian Brenda Mathenia Ex Officio
Program Chair Michele Vincenti 2024.02 – 2026.01
Faculty Representative (1) – ACSS Dr. Hamed Taherdoost 2024.02 – 2026.01

Faculty Representative (2) – Graduate
(Senate Appointment)

Dr. Min Beom Kay 2023.11 – 2025.10
Faculty Representative (3) Ujal Ibrahim 2024.02 – 2026.01

Faculty Representative (4)
(Senate Appointment)

Dr. Abedeh Gholidoust 2023.11 – 2025.10
Student Representative Arya Patel 2023.11- 2024.10
Library Staff Member Emily Gunn (non-voting)
UAP Representative Jeff McCarville (non-voting)
Director of Student Affairs and Services (or designate) Taniya Dehghani (non-voting)
Senate Secretary/Recording Secretary Adrian Mitescu/Saleiha Sharif Ex Officio (non-voting)

The Committee meets on an as-needed basis, with a minimum of four meetings per year; meetings are usually closed. For any questions, please contact the Senate Secretariat at [email protected].