University Canada West is committed to ensuring research ethics, integrity and safety. Research Ethics Boards (REBs) are independent committees established by the Academic Council. The REB is authorized to review the research’s ethical acceptability and accept, reject and propose recommended changes or terminate any proposed or ongoing research involving human participants.

UCW’s REB is independent, and the decision-making process by design operates free of inappropriate influence, including actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest. Therefore, the UCW REB meets the criteria for an authorized research ethics board determined by the Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS). Board members are elected to their respective position for a defined term and represent a range of academic disciplines.


The UCW Research Ethics Board is here to help faculty and students seeking to undertake research that involves human participants.

We provide the research community at UCW with guidance and oversight throughout the application process. In addition, we provide the resources and expertise necessary for faculty to complete the appropriate ethics review process efficiently and promptly.

More specifically, we offer the following:

  • A variety of consultative and advisory services, including one-on-one assistance to researchers – both faculty and student – concerning the policy and its applications, the completion of protocols, forms and the design of consent documents;
  • Pre-review of ethics documents to ensure timely review by the ethics board, and;
  • Resources and information regarding research ethics guidelines and requirements.

If you are a participant in a UCW research study and have questions, concerns or comments, please contact the REB Chair at [email protected].

UCW REB policy statement

All research and scholarship shall be carried out following the Government of Canada’s regulations, Panel on Research Ethics and Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS2, 2014). UCW students, faculty and staff conducting research must have a valid (within the last 365 days) TCPS2 training certificate. In the case of any conflict between policies, procedures and practices established by UCW and the document mentioned above, the latter will prevail.


Does my research need ethics approval?

All research involving humans (e.g., surveys, interviews, etc.) must be reviewed by the UCW research ethics board before any research begins – this includes studies by students, but with whom faculty members collaborate. Access to research funds will not be granted until the appropriate approvals are in place. Failure to obtain ethics approval for research involving humans violates UCW Policy 5020 – Research Ethics.

To obtain the research ethics policy, protocols and approval process, please visit the Research Ethics page in the MyUCW Student Portal. In addition, the UCW REB Chair is available to consult with researchers.


[email protected]