The University Curriculum Committee is a Standing Committee of the Senate, with the following responsibilities:

  • Reviewing and considering proposals for new, revised, or discontinued courses, programs of study, degrees, and other credentials for consistency with:
    • the mission, goals and strategic priorities of the University
    • University policies
  • With input from relevant faculty and staff members, resolve outstanding issues in proposals and approve curriculum submissions for recommendation to the Senate.
  • Reporting and making recommendations to Senate on:
    • the status of concept papers and program proposals, implementations, revisions, and discontinuation
    • the progress of curricula review
    • proposed revisions to relevant University policies, including Policy No. 5012, “Course Syllabus,” and Policy No. 5009, “Program and Curriculum Development,” as appropriate
    • the form and frequency in which the University Academic Calendar is published
    • other items of note arising out of the Committee’s work
  • Developing and approving the processes, standards, and guidelines for curricular changes, to ensure that curricula reviews are conducted in accordance with:
    • best practices in post-secondary education
    • relevant University policies, including Policy No. 5009, “Program and Curriculum Development”
  • Establishing a schedule for revisions to existing courses to ensure that the curricula are consistent with the mission and goals of the University.
  • Developing and approving the processes, standards, and guidelines for program approval.
  • Periodically reviewing the policies and practices for the review and approval of curricular changes to ensure consistency and compliance with:
    • the mission, goals, and strategic priorities of the University
    • the responsibilities of the Senate

Committee Membership

Chair – Faculty Representative Dr. Alexander Sakharov 2022.11 – 2024.10
Vice Chair – Faculty Representative Dr. Mehdi Akhgari 2022.11 – 2024.10
Program Chair Representative Dr. George Drazenovic 2022.11 – 2024.10
Program Chair Representative Dr Gelareh Farhadian 2022.11 – 2024.10
Faculty Representative Dr. Rushdi Alsaleh 2022.11 – 2024.10
Faculty Representative Jack Smith 2023.05 – 2026.04
Staff Representative Anna Lee Boulton 2022.11 – 2024.10
Student Representative Vacant Vacant
Associate Vice President Teaching, Learning & Scholarship Dr. Stephanie Chu Ex Officio
Registrar Henrique Gea Ex Officio
Director, Curriculum and Scheduling (now, Director, Curriculum and Quality Assurance) Harpreet Ahluwalia Ex Officio
Manager, Academic Advising Cherie Chang Ex Officio
University Librarian (or designate) Nicoletta Romano Ex Officio (non-voting)
Senate Secretary/Recording Secretary Adrian Mitescu/Saleiha Sharif Ex Officio (non-voting)

The Committee meets on an as-needed basis, with a minimum of two meetings per year; meetings are usually closed. For any questions, please contact the Senate Secretariat at [email protected].

The University Curriculum Committee (UCC) meeting time slot is on the Second/ 2nd Tuesday of the month (from 2:30 to 4:00 pm). The meetings take place virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Deadline for Call for Agenda is 2-weeks in advance, deadline for agenda items inclusion is 1-week in advance and agenda will be shared to the committee members 3-days prior to the meeting.


Call for Agenda
Deadline – Agenda items inclusion
UCC Meeting
Senate Meeting
March February 27, 2024 March 5, 2024 March 12, 2024 April 4, 2024
April March 26, 2024 April 2, 2024 April 9, 2024 May 2, 2024
May April 30, 2024 May 7, 2024 May 14, 2024 June 6, 2024
June May 28, 2024 June 4, 2024 June 11, 2024 July 4, 2024
July June 25, 2024 July 2, 2024 July 9, 2024 [No meeting in August]
August July 30, 2024 August 6, 2024 August 13, 2024 September 5, 2024
September August 27, 2024 September 3, 2024 September 10, 2024 October 3, 2024
October September 24, 2024 October 1, 2024 October 8, 2024 November 7, 2024
November October 29, 2024 November 5, 2024 November 12, 2024 December 5, 2024
December November 26, 2024 December 3, 2024 December 10, 2024 [No meeting in January]
January December 31, 2024 January 7, 2025 January 14, 2025 February 6, 2025
February January 28, 2025 February 4, 2025 February 11, 2025 March 6, 2025
March February 25, 2025 March 4, 2025 March 14, 2025 April 3, 2025