Cyclical Program Reviews
Cyclical program reviews are a regular feature of higher education quality assurance systems. It is common across all jurisdictions in Canada that on a defined cycle, each academic program offered in a university engages in a comprehensive review of its academic offerings, with the goals of improving the program curriculum and student experience as the prioritized outcomes of the process. UCW engages in formative reviews of programs and curricula through both informal and formal mechanisms. A cyclical program review provides the University with the opportunity to evaluate and reflect more deeply upon what has been working well in the program, and what could be changed or improved upon.
Cyclical program reviews provide reassurance to program stakeholders (students, alumni, parents, employers), and the government that the University is evaluating and refining the quality of its programs to ensure that they are meeting program learning outcomes, degree level standards and the needs of students and employers.
The Cyclical Program Review committees have access to documentation and templates to assist them in addressing all the objectives of the studies:
- The Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the stages of the review and guidance in completing the necessary steps
- The Self-Study Template provides the outline of the study that forms the basis of the program self-evaluation
The following table outlines the timelines for the current program reviews taking place for the four UCW programs: Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Business Communication, Bachelor of Commerce and the Master of Business Administration. The last column indicates when the VP Academic’s Summary report has been approved by the Senate:
In the spirit of transparency, UCW is committed to publishing the VPA’s Summary report on this page as soon as they are approved by the Senate: