Assessment & Grading
Accumulation of Credit
All course credits attempted and/or earned are recorded on the student's academic record. Whether credit for a course applies toward a specific degree is determined by the regulations governing the program. In the case of a course taken more than once, the credits will be shown on the student's record in each instance, but will count only once toward the student's degree, with the highest grade being used.
Accumulation of Failing Grades
A "warning letter" is issued when two (2) failing grades are accumulated throughout a student's entire undergraduate academic record. In addition, a "warning letter" is also issued when one (1) failing grade is received throughout a student's entire graduate academic record. This information is intended to inform students of their academic status and to assist students in avoiding further failures that may result in withdrawal from the University.
Assessment Techniques
Assessment techniques may include: assignments; essays; oral or written tests, including midterms; participation in class discussions; seminar presentations; artistic performances; professional practice; laboratory examinations; "open book" or "take home" examinations; and examinations. Self-evaluation may not be used to determine a student's grade, in whole or in part, in any course. The faculty member at the beginning of each course will provide the specific approaches in a course syllabus.
Correction and Return of Student Work
Faculty return all student work submitted that will count toward the final grade, except final examinations and projects. Faculty are expected to give corrective comments on all assigned work submitted and, if requested to do so by the student, on final examinations. Normally, final grades will be made available within 2 weeks after the last class of the term and before the start of the next term.
Course Credits
Credit courses normally have an academic value of three (3) credits. Each credit is equivalent to 45 hours of student contact encompassing class time, on-line study, exams, and self (directed) study. This time does not include individual study and preparation time.
Course Syllabus
The course syllabus outlines the learning outcomes, content, course materials, assignments, and requirements for each course. Course syllabi will be posted in the student portal prior to the beginning of the term, generally 3 days prior to the start of the term. Students are responsible for reading and following the course syllabus. Additional instruction and requirements will be provided by the faculty member teaching the course.
Credit in Duplicate and Equivalent Courses
Credit for a course may be applied only once in a student’s program. Students should note that, for Canada Student Loan and other purposes, courses identified as Duplicate or Equivalent will not be counted toward the minimum required course load.
Language Proficiency
Essays and examination papers are graded for English language proficiency in all courses and those not meeting the standard will be refused a passing grade. When faculty have reasonable grounds for believing a student lacks the necessary skills in written English, the faculty may require the student to undergo appropriate testing and take corrective action to upgrade as needed. If you require help with writing please contact Library staff or ask for a Writing Coach.