Honorary Degrees & Awards Committee


Delegated Authority from the Senate 

The Committee has delegated authority from the Senate for: 

  • Approving honours and awards within the purview of the Senate, including: Teaching and Learning Awards, Emeritus/Emerita Designations, and other awards;
    • Exception: The Committee receives Honorary Degrees nominations, but it only makes recommendations to the Senate, which makes the final decision on these awards; 


The Honorary Degrees & Awards Committee is responsible for:

  • Advising the Senate on policies, procedures, priorities and criteria for student awards and honours;
  • Encouraging the submission of nominations for the various Senate honours and awards from a wide range of constituencies in the University Community;
  • Receiving nominations for honours and awards within the purview of the Senate, including: Honorary Degrees, Teaching and Learning Awards, Emeritus/Emerita Designations, and other awards;
  • Where it is deemed necessary by the Committee, seeking additional information from nominators;
  • In accordance with the relevant University Policies, namely Policy No. 2500, “Honorary Degrees & Awards Policy” and the associated procedure, evaluating and approving (as delegated by the Senate) the nominees for Honorary Degrees, Distinguished Awards, Emeritus/Emerita Designations, and other awards;
  • Developing and maintaining a pool of nominees for honorary degrees from which candidates may be drawn over time;
  • Evaluating student candidates for medals and select awards, and making recommendations to the Senate;
  • Considering and making recommendations to the Senate regarding:
    • revisions and modifications to the criteria, qualifications, and required supporting material for awards or changes to the categories of awards;
    • proposed revisions to relevant University policies,1 including Policy No. 2500,
    • “Honorary Degrees & Awards Policy” and the associated procedure; and
    • any other matters concerning forms of recognition which the Senate may refer to the Committee;

Committee Membership

The Committee meets on an as-needed basis, with a minimum of two meetings per year; meetings are usually closed. For any questions, please contact the Senate Secretariat at senate@ucanwest.ca.